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Bye 2023, hej 2024!

Dear EACLIPT members,

as we start a new year, we are honored to reflect upon the remarkable journey we have undertaken together as part of the European Association for Clinical Psychology and Psychological Treatment. The closing of this year and the beginning of a new year mark proof of our collective commitment to advancing the field of clinical psychology and promoting mental well-being across our diverse communities. The global events that have shaped the year 2023 have underscored the crucial role that clinical psychology plays in fostering mental health.  

From our perspective, it’s been an important year for EACLIPT with a succession of highly productive events and activities. We hosted three public webinars on current challenges in Clinical Psychology in collaboration with the SWPS University in Warsaw, which have received great success. These are available for free in our media library.

Our official Open-Access journal Clinical Psychology in Europe published three comprehensive issues with exciting research on various topics in Clinical Psychology and Psychological Treatment, which are publicly available.

Recently, we published a Call for Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and received much interest in the domain of Early Career Scientists, Climate Crisis and Clinical Psychology, and Child and Adolescent Mental Health. We are now looking for members interested in actively participating in either of these groups. If you are interested, please send a brief email

Our newly elected EACLIPT Board started working at the beginning of 2023. In October, the Presidency was handed over: After four years of serving the organization, Prof. Dr. Claudi Bockting, Netherlands, inaugurated the newly elected EACLIPT President Prof. Dr. Chantal Martin-Sölch, Switzerland.

As initiated by the previous EACLIPT Board, we recently released a new EACLIPT Homepage, which now provides up-to-date information on EACLIPT activities, hosts a media corner, and facilitates membership management, don’t hesitate to check it out at

The year 2024 will bring exciting challenges and the opportunity to gather together at the EACLIPT Conference 2024 in Amsterdam on March 21-22, 2024, together with the Centre for Urban Mental Health. A members meeting is planned, with a special slot included in the program. We are looking forward to meeting you all there!

Finally, public supervision by the Beck Institute by Cory Newman will be organized during the conference. If you are interested in submitting a case that you would like to discuss and /or are interested in a role play in that context, please get in touch with the organization committee at the following address:

With this message, we also would like to thank all those who made this wonderful EACLIPT year possible and are very much looking forward to our upcoming suite of events in 2024.

We would also like to pause and consider all those people suffering, either from a mental illness or from other circumstances. In keeping with these thoughts, we wish you and your family a peaceful holiday and a start to the New Year.

Your EACLIPT Board

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