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New Issue of Clinical Psychology in Europe released!

We are pleased to announce that a new issue of *Clinical Psychology in Europe* has just been released. You can download the full issue as PDF or read it online at

We are very happy to have a wide range of research papers and scientific updates on timely topics in this issue.

The issue starts with an important Editorial by Julia Asbrand et al. calling for action in clinical psychology (research) in times of multiple crises. Helen Niemeyer and colleagues propose a research strategy to increase replicability in research on psychological interventions.


Please help us spread the word, share this announcement, post the news on social media, and of course…

…enjoy reading.

Winfried Rief & Cornelia Weise

Editors-in-Chief Clinical Psychology in Europe Division of Clinical Psychology and Psychological Treatment Philipps-University of Marburg

____________________________ CPE is published at PsychOpen GOLD, the European Open-Access Publishing Platform for Psychology, provided by the Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information (ZPID), Trier, Germany.

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